Geospace/Heliosphere Observation & Simulation Tool-kit
GHOSTkit is an open source tool-kit plug-in designed to work with the @kitware ParaView project. This project provides space physics tools for analysis of model and space-craft data. We are currently developing the basic functionality necessary to perform space weather science and forecasting tasks. As more tools are written, their descriptions will be available here.
We are currently working on a preliminary build for release as a binary. These binary files will be available on this page when they are ready.
The code is available in its entirety from github. You can get the code with the following commands:
git clone git://
Until binaries are available, you can build the tool-kit from source. Currently, the toolkit only builds on linux with the following instructions. As the build system is in active development, these instructions will be changed as it successfully builds on other systems. The following instructions will allow you build the tool-kit, including all required dependencies (Except ParaView), by issuing the commands (on UNIX type systems): ( Please Note: You must have a local built version of paraview in order to build this tool-kit. If you want a binary compatible version of the plugin, you must build against the ParaView Superbuild.)
git clone git://
mkdir ghost-build
cd ghost-build
ccmake ../GHOST -DNUM_CORES=##
-DNUM_CORES=## specifies the number of build cores you want to use when building the system. You can set this to more than the number of physical cores in your machine to ensure you are using all available resources to build. (for the programers out there, this sets the -j flag on the compiler)
Within CCMAKE, you will need to set appropriate options.
1) set build type to "Release" (Debug build does not yet build properly)
If building on a MAC:
1) set CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES to "x86_64"
3) CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT to your SDK path***
*** When building on the Mac, you need to use either the 10.6 or 10.7 SDK. The build will not complete on the 10.8 or 10.9 SDK. If you are using XCODE 5.0.1, you will need to download the Xcode 4.6.3 install package from the Apple Developer site and extract the 10.7 SDK.
To Build on OS X 10.9, you will need to place the 10.7 SDK in an accessible directory (i.e. ~/SDKs/) and set CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT to this SDK. You will also need to download and install QT4.8.2 on your system, and select the USE_SYSTEM_QT option in ccmake.
The integrated build system will build all required dependencies (including ParaView), and, if you are on a mac, fix the plugin to work with the binary.
The final plug-in file will be placed in the directory ghost-build/install/release/ To use the plugin, you will need to place it in a safe place on your hard drive, and then load it with the ParaView plugin manager.